


Google Analytics and Baidu statistics comparison

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Google Analytics and Baidu statistics comparison

Both Google Analytics and Baidu Statistics are commonly used website traffic analysis tools. Different from other traffic statistics tools, Google Analytics and Baidu Statistics not only record clickstream data, but also pay more attention to the analysis and measurement of clickstream. And try to direct these results to Web analytics and Internet marketing. Here is a comparison of Google Analytics and Baidu statistics submitted by readers for your reference.

** Baidu statistics and Google Analytics in the same place: **

1. Tool positioning and hierarchy are basically the same

Are targeted at traffic analysis tools, not traffic statistics. Traffic analysis differs from traffic statistics in that traffic analysis focuses on the quality of traffic. The basic unit of traffic analysis is "Visit times", which is equivalent to Session, while the basic unit of traffic statistics analysis is "page views (PV)".

Btw: According to this distinction, CNZZ, 51la and quantum statistics on the market at present are only traffic statistics tools, and it is almost impossible to upgrade to traffic analysis due to different basic analysis methods. With the maturity of webmaster, stay in the statistical level of tools, sooner or later to disappear.

2, are committed to help webmasters improve the quality of the website

Search engine is at the top of the Internet ecological chain, to a certain stage, whether the Internet has high quality content and websites, will become the next bottleneck of search engine development, this point Baidu and Google is consistent.

Both Google and Baidu want to make the pie bigger so that they can get a bigger piece of it. Search engines push traffic analysis tools for this purpose.

3. We exclusively support the statistics of our own promotion platform

Like Google Analytics' exclusive and seamless integration of Google Adwords, Baidu Statistics has also achieved perfect integration of Baidu promotion. The traffic and click consumption information brought by Baidu's keywords, ideas, plans and units are integrated under the platform, which can well help Baidu to promote users to do all kinds of SEM optimization.

Exclusive support for this, itself can attract a large number of users to use, after all, there are many users who rely on paid promotion.

** Several advantages of Baidu statistics over Google Analytics: **

1, more in line with the needs of Chinese stationmaster, such as:

a) Provide the number of independent IP addresses

I do not know why Google Anlytics has not provided the number of independent IP, but the number of IP is still a most used and widely accepted indicator in the domestic webmaster circle, even far more than the number of visitors such a concept.

b) Provide real-time data

Google Analytics consistently has a data latency of 1-2 hours, which for mature sites has little impact on the analytics. But for more sites in China, they are still in the initial stage. In the rapidly changing environment on the Internet, a one-hour delay may miss many opportunities.

Baidu statistics at this point, to achieve a maximum delay of 5 minutes for all reports (the current number of online users report a delay of about 2 minutes), and to complete a large number of general traffic statistics tools do not provide traffic analysis function, which must spend a lot of energy.

c) Provide detailed records of visitors

Google Analytics is positioned as a thorough analytics tool and, as such, provides no micro user information at all. But in fact, after the processing of the data is its role, but the details of the data is also indispensable for the website manager, through the micro information, try to figure out the user behavior and psychology, for the website optimization is of great benefit.

Baidu statistics has two useful visitor detail records. One is the recent 500 visitor records of the latest visitors, all of which give the detailed visit track of the users according to the number of visits; the other is the "chain" word link in the search term report, which provides the detailed search URL of the search term.

  1. Some functions are updated, such as:

a) Event target analysis function

Google Analytics provides the JS function interface, which is very powerful, but it requires considerable programming ability and deployment is very complex.

Baidu statistics provides the event target analysis function, only need to monitor the events in the background to set up, it is very convenient to use, do not understand programming people can also quickly use.

b) Subdirectory analysis

The filters provided by Google Analytics are powerful enough to provide almost any filter imaginable, but if you want to see all kinds of data in multiple subdirectories on a site, you can't.

Baidu statistics subdirectory Settings function is to provide a page contains and excludes the simple rule Settings, to analyze the page listed out as a subdirectory, to provide the subdirectory each dimension of the data, for a lot of subdirectory site, very good.

c) Rise and fall list, historical trend analysis

Lift list this kind of function is 51la and other statistical tools do a better place, Baidu statistics also absorbed, as an important tool for traffic analysis.

Traffic analysis is the most important to see: segmentation, trend, and comparison, Baidu statistics in each report provides a quick trend query function, convenient observation and comparison.

3, use experience, more local, more clear and easy to use

a) The menu is clear and simple

Google Analytics serves a global audience, and it takes some time for beginners to understand the features. Baidu statistics menu is relatively easy to understand much.

b) Statistical icon and password view function

Google Analytics does not provide statistical ICONS, open data needs to open a single account, Baidu statistics in this respect do more similar to CNZZ, to advertisers to see the data, it is very simple, give a view password, go to the website to click on the statistical icon can see.

c) System environment

In terms of geographical division and province, Baidu Statistics has the most accurate IP database in China to ensure the most accurate statistics. In terms of the statistics of the parameters of browsers and Internet service providers, it is also more localized, with comprehensive and accurate statistics.

  1. Greater openness and integration, including:

a) The PV scale is not limited

Google Analytics' PV limit is 5 million/month, which is less than 300,000 pv per day, which is not enough for many large sites. If you exceed this limit, you must do Adwords.

Baidu statistics is completely not limit the flow, can support the flow of tens of millions of PV every day.

b) Clever integration of Baidu index and popular search term functions

Google has similar features, but they are distributed across different products.

Baidu statistics in the search term report, through the search term, the relevant information together, for traffic cause analysis is very helpful.

** The shortcomings of Baidu statistics compared to Google Analytics: **

  1. Cross-data analysis

Google's ability to store data is unquestionably unimpressive. Anyone who has used Google Analytics will be overwhelmed by its powerful cross-dimensional analysis capabilities.

Although Baidu Statistics also provides cross-filtering by region and source in most reports, there is still a gap compared with Google Analytics.

  1. Customize reports and functions

Google Analytics provides custom dimensions, metrics, and the ability to compose reports as desired. Filters, not to mention, can be set freely to filter out all kinds of data, only unexpected, not impossible to do.

Although Baidu statistics also provides IP exclusion, source filtering, cross-domain statistics and other functions, but in terms of customization is obviously not as good as Google Analytics.

  1. Transformation analysis

Google Analytics has become more sophisticated and powerful in transforming path analysis.

Baidu statistics also provides the transformation path analysis function, but it is very simple, provides the upstream and downstream reports there are still a lot of places to improve.

4, website analysis rules development and popularization

Google Analytics is not only a tool, but also provides a set of methods and rules to help web analytics practitioners and web site owners to do Web analytics, which has become the default norm in the industry.

In this respect, Baidu statistics are just starting.

